‘840’ is the United States Country Code for identification, recognized around the world. When a microchip begins with the USA country code of ‘840’ you can be sure of these things:
- Microchip numbers with an 840 prefix are made only by USDA approved companies.
- Companies that manufacture the 840 microchips for animals must go through the rigorous USDA approval process.
- The approval process is stringent and emcompasses a high level of quality control testing.
- These chips are ISO and FEI approved.
- The 840 microchip can be used for horses if desired. Larger facilities, veterinarians or those who move horses interstate should consider using the 840 chip.
- Our 840 microchips are the same price as our regular chips.
“U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a final rule in 2013 establishing regulations regarding the trackability of U.S. livestock moving interstate. One of the permitted methods of identification is a 15 digit microchip that begins with the designated United States prefix 8-4-0 (ex. 840211011000122). Only USDA approved companies are granted permission to manufacture the official 840 microchip.”
Our 840-ID Microchip meets all USDA requirements.
Please call our office if you have questions about the 840 chips. Phone: 800.434.2843.