The 900 chip is a microchip that begins with the numbers 900 (nine-zero-zero). Many have voiced concern about these chips. Why?

SHARED CODE. There are currently 28 companies that share ‘900’ as the first three digits of a chip number. These companies have not yet met the performance standards required in order to be granted a unique manufacturer code.

Why the concern?  When tracking a ‘900’ microchip back to a manufacturer, it is confusing because so many makers share the same first three digits – 900. There is no easy way to know which company made the chip. Most of these manufacturers are not located in the USA.

By contrast, unique (unshared) codes are easier to track to the source because they are not shared with any other maker. They are listed in databases in the USA, and they have proven histories and regimented databases. Our code is 933. Examples of other unique manufacture codes are: 985, 965, 981, etc.